
The Internet has become the central place for democratic negotiation processes, where we have to fight for our freedoms and rights more than ever before. Society has a right to have a say on the rules in this great market place. We need more participation, more interference and more knowledge for all to put our democracy on a broader basis.

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10.November 2023

Political advertising in the EU: fit for the digital age

The EU has agreed on new rules for political advertising to better protect elections across Europe. They include clear transparency obligations and restrictions to so-called “targeting” techniques. In the night of 7 November 2023, the EU co-legislators reached a provisional agreement.  The Regulation was needed to ensure that advertising technologies cannot be used to spread disinformation […]

16.October 2023

My Parliamentary Questions to the EU Commission on lobbying and microtargeting practices around the Regulation to combat child abuse material

On 11 May 2022, the European Commission adopted a proposal for rules to prevent and combat child abuse. The vote in the lead Committee of the EU Parliament (LIBE) on the compromises is scheduled to take place on 26 October, the vote in Council has been postponed following a blocking minority in September. Following recent […]

31.January 2023

Everything you need to know about the new rules for political advertising

The regulatory gap we are facing in political advertising threatens the integrity of elections through voter manipulation, non-transparent campaigns and the spread of disinformation.

24.April 2022

The DSA deal: A gamechanger for our lives, society and the internet

The Digital Services Act will become the new digital constitution for Europe.

2.December 2021

Disproportionate surveillance in the refugee camps – My Open Letter to the EU Commission

The inhumane conditions in the camps for refugees on the Greek islands have horrified us all, but so have the methods used to monitor the inhabitants. In the camps, the surveillance system CENTAUR is deployed, which monitors the residents around the clock with cameras, drones, X-ray scanners, electronic exit controls and loudspeakers. It is financed […]

25.November 2021

My assessment of the Council’s position on the DSA

We urgently need strict rules concerning the transparency of large platforms in Europe.

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