
I am working for a world in which all people can participate and live a dignified life. Therefore, feminism and gender justice are principles that accompany my work in all committees.

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In line with this topic

2.December 2021

Disproportionate surveillance in the refugee camps – My Open Letter to the EU Commission

The inhumane conditions in the camps for refugees on the Greek islands have horrified us all, but so have the methods used to monitor the inhabitants. In the camps, the surveillance system CENTAUR is deployed, which monitors the residents around the clock with cameras, drones, X-ray scanners, electronic exit controls and loudspeakers. It is financed […]

7.April 2021

The new women’s movement for a fair economy

Women in Europe can achieve a lot together – Italian women have shown us how.

11.November 2020

Success for the #halfofit movement: More justice in EU budgets

Thanks to the strong commitment of the Green Group in the European Parliament and a network of MEPs from all democratic parties, we have succeeded in including decisive steps and instruments in several relevant dossiers, including the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF).

18.September 2020

Follow-up zu #HalfOfIt – How we are improving #Next Generation EU

We managed to include our demands in all four Next Generation EU regulations that set out the criteria for the funding of national projects!

14.July 2020

The results of the first feminist analysis of the stimulus package

On my initiative, the Greens/EFA Group has commissioned a gender impact assessment of the European reconstruction programme “Next Generation EU”.

29.June 2020

Webinar: #NextGenerationEU- Are women left out?

Invitation to our Webinar on Monday 29.06.2020 at 19:30-21:00 Uhr

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