Au European Green Deal for all
This panel is part of the event:
EU Green Deal and the Greek Green Deal
What would a Green Deal for Greece look like?
14:00 – 14:15 Welcome, Greetings
14:15 – 15:15 A European Green Deal for all
- Emmanuella Doussis, Prof. International Institutions – National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
- Alexandra Geese, MEP Greens/EFA
- Elsa Durieux, Senior Officer, Sustainable Finance, Smart Cities and Business – ICLEI (tbc)
In July 2021, the European Commission presented a series of proposals to implement the Green Deal, the goal of making the European Union “climate neutral” by 2050. Since then, the European Green Deal has been specialised and criticised for its weaknesses in terms of its social objectives. At Member State level, the landscape is even more blurred and often conflicting, with inadequate climate policies, lack of political will and citizens’ ignorance of the impending changes in their lives, for example in terms of employment, energy, housing and quality of life in cities, agri-food, etc.
Heinrich Böll Foundation Greece and the social cooperative enterprise Anemos Renewal have tried to answer the question “What would a Green Deal for Greece look like?” by asking researchers, representatives of institutions and experts to submit their views in the homonymous online dossier. This initiative aims to co-shape a Green Deal that leaves no one behind and achieves the transition to a new productive-consumptive model.
For more information and registration, visit: https://calendar.boell.de/en/event/eu-green-deal-and-greek-green-deal
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