For a green recovery! How greens are making the RRF work for the recovery of the planet, the people and our democracies

A recovery for the people: social and gender equality


 A recovery for the people: social and gender equality

The RRF has to contribute to the European Pillar of Social Rights, strengthen social institutions and protection systems and address adverse gender impact. A dedicated scoreboard will be fully operative by the end of the year, to display the progress of the implementation of the recovery and resilience plans of the Member States. While we did not manage to obtain as we wanted a mandatory Gender Impact Assessment (GIA), we successfully managed to include in the regulation a provision to oblige Member States to explain how their plans address gender inequalities resulting from the crisis and are closely monitoring in this context whether the gender related Country Specific Recommendations are adequately addressed.

This panel will discuss how we can use the RRF to fight against social and gender inequalities, and whether the measures included in the RRPs are adequate to address the social consequences of the pandemic and to accompany the green transition to make it just and socially inclusive and to the end of the era of misguided austerity.


  • Luca Visentini (Secretary General of ETUC)
  • Silvia Zamboni (Vice-chair of the regional assembly of Emilia-Romagna)
  • Helena Morais Maceira (EIGE)
  • Q&A

Moderator: Alexandra Geese MEP


–> Interpretation: English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Hungarian

This panel is part of a larger event on the RRF, more information on the event can be found here.